
Mon Jan 02 2023

Bathtub Installation Cost – Best Remodel Guide for 2023

Bathtub Installation Cost Best Remodel Guide

Whether it is a new buy or a remodeling of your bathroom, it is absolutely essential that you know exactly what you want to do and how much the project is going to cost. Knowing nothing about the project can easily exhaust your budget without seeing much of the result you are expecting. If your bathroom has a bathtub, or you want to install a new tub in your bathroom, this can especially cost you a lot of money without certain knowledge of bathtub installation. Various factors can influence a bathtub installation and your bathroom remodeling project, which can be quite confusing. If you are experiencing this same confusion, don’t worry. You are in the right place. This article will deal with the bathtub installation cost and the factors that directly impact the installation cost. 

Factors That Can Affect the Bathtub Installation Cost:

When you think about it, the bathroom is one of our home's most important and used rooms. When you buy or build a house, you expect ROI (Return on Investment). There is no exact number on ROI for your home, let alone your bathroom. But in general, it is said that remodeling your bathroom can give you around 70% of your total cost. This 70%, however, does depend on various factors. Out of those factors, most will belong to bathtubs and their add-ons. 

Generally, a new bathtub can cost you from $1400 to $7000. This cost can vary depending on three main factors: material, style, and bathtub surrounding area cost. 

Bathtub Material:

It is safe to say that bathtub material is an important factor that has a considerable direct impact on the bathtub installation cost and the bathtub cost itself. Popular bathtub materials are

  • Acrylic 
  • Cast Iron
  • Concrete
  • Copper
  • Stone-resin
  • Natural wood,
  • Stone.

There are other bathtub materials that are available in the market, such as mahogany, metal, granite, and porcelain. But, these materials can be very niche and only available with some manufacturers. We will focus on popular materials for our scenario of bathtub installation cost.

The following table will give you the general cost of each popular bathtub material. 

Type of Bathtub Material 




Cast Iron








Natural wood




*Concrete may not come in the traditional shape. It is recommended to check with the seller.

  1. Acrylic – Acrylic is considered to be one of the cheapest bathtub materials available in the market. It is famous for its great heat retention, an array of styles and colors, and surprising durability. 
  2. Cast iron – When it comes to heat retention and the durability of the tub, cast iron is one the best, next to copper and stone resin. But it is to be noted that cast iron is heavy and definitely requires bathroom floor reinforcement.
  3. Copper – The king of heat retention, copper is one of the priciest bathtub materials available on the market. Durability and a rustic look are the major factors that people like about this tub. It must be said that copper is heavy and requires reinforcement.
  4. Stone resin – Next to acrylic, stone resins are the cheapest material for your bathtub. The style of the stone resin can be on par with higher variants of the bathtub. It is one of the best replacement choices for acrylic bathtubs.
  5. Natural wood – When it comes to natural style, wood is the best. Even though it elevates your bathroom substantially, maintenance is one of the main drawbacks. 
  6. Stone – If you are interested in “art” styles, and want to bring some art to your bathroom, then stone-based bathtubs are the perfect choice for you. The main disadvantage is the heaviness of the bathtub.

Bathtub Style:

There are two major styles, western style, and eastern style. Western style is an elongated bathtub where you can lay your whole body in a horizontal position and submerge yourself. Eastern style, on the other hand, you cannot lay flat. It is designed in a way that you can sit and soak your whole system. That is the main reason for calling the eastern style a soaking tub. Western styles have different types of styles, such as freestanding, clawfoot, whirlpool tub, drop-in, and walk-in tubs. 

The following tables consist of different styles of bathtubs and their general cost. 

Bathtub Styles


Freestanding Tub


Clawfoot Tub


Whirlpool Tub


Walk-in Tub


Soaking Tub


Bathtub Surronding Cost:

The bathtub surrounding cost is the cost that you need to invest in the tub surrounding area in order to match your bathtub. This can be eliminated if you buy a freestanding bathtub since a freestanding tub does not require any external accessories to support the tub. For example, if you plan on using a freestanding tub along with the shower or faucet system, it is necessary to waterproof the tub’s surroundings and the bathroom walls where the shower needs to be installed. The surrounding cost can vary based on the type of material you use. For example, acrylic can be quite cheap, and quartz-based material can be expensive. It is better to match it with the same type of bathtub material. 

Those were the three main factors directly influencing the bathtub and the installation cost. There are, however, other factors that can affect your overall project cost.

Other Factor Costs:

First and foremost, is demolishing the old bathtub or shower system. If you are remodeling your bathtub, your first step is to remove your old bathtub system. This can cost you anywhere between $100-$150. Next, our floor modifications and extra reinforcement for the tub. If your old bathroom floor loses its structural integrity and shows signs of cracks and damage, it is best to replace it. General floor repair can cost you around $300. Plumbing is an important part of your bathroom. Before remodeling, it is important to check that all the pipelines are working properly. The cost of checking that the plumbing works and the maintenance can range from $400 to $700 (this may include a new water heater and the permits for any major plumbing work) So, how much does a general bathtub installation cost?

The following table will give you an approximate cost estimate for the bathtub installation.





Bathroom floor repair


Remove old bathtub system


Plumbing work


Bathtub surrounding cost


Total cost


Can You DIY Your Bathtub Installation?

Yes, you can do the project yourself. But, you must have basic knowledge of plumbing bathroom installation techniques before starting the project. The main advantage would be saving the cost of hiring a professional plumber., but there are advantages to hiring a professional, such as them providing you with insight on the project, where you can improve, and where you can cut costs for your project. If you plan on a major renovation or overhaul, it is best to hire a professional plumber. 

Where Are the Areas You Can Save Money?

Choosing the “all-purpose” bathtub material, either acrylic or stone resin can save a lot of money on your project. For floor repair, you can choose prefabricated panels instead of hand-laid tiles. This can save you more than a hundred dollars. If possible, try to repair any damaged pipes rather than replace them. For hiring a professional plumber, it is recommended to have three or four quotes from a different client before choosing the right one for your project. Lastly, ask the professional plumber where you can carry out the project by yourself, whether the installation or replacing the floor. This can save a lot of money on hiring a professional. 


  • What are the factors that can affect the bathtub installation cost?
  • The three major factors that can affect the bathtub installation cost are material, style, and surronding cost. The other factors are: floor repair, plumbing repair, and hiring a professional for the project.

  • How much does bathtub installation cost?
  • Generally, the bathtub installation costs around $3150. But the price can drastically change depending on various factors, such as bathtub materials, type, and other costs, for the installation.

  • Can I install the bathtub by myself?
  • Yes, you can do the project yourself. But, it is required to have a basic knowledge of plumbing bathroom installation techniques before carrying out the project. 

    Final Thoughts:

    Bathtub installation can be a complex process if you don’t have certain knowledge about which bathtub to choose and where you want to install your bathtub. Hiring a professional can ease the project, but you have to spend considerable money. All you have to focus on is choosing the bathtub for you. Magnus Home products offer various bathtub collections. You can visit the website here to learn more about bathtubs. This article hopes to have given you insight into how much a bathtub installation costs.Â