Price Guarantee

Find a better deal on another retail site for the same item? If so, let us try to work with you to resolve the situation to everyone’s satisfaction. Magnus Home Products offers price matching on much of our merchandise.


  • The product from another outlet must be in stock at the time of the inquiry.
  • It is the exact same item and includes free shipping.
  • We must be able to verify the lesser price through the company’s website or an advertisement.
  • The item in question must originate from a specific online company rather than an individual or through a special auction. These items must be sold to the public (Amazon Marketplace and eBay sellers are examples of companies not used for price matching). The product can also be sold in a brick and mortar store.


  • Your request to price match must happen at the time of purchase (no retroactive matches will be approved).
  • This offer is for new purchases only; orders placed previously aren’t eligible.
  • A match request may be declined if the competing price is deemed suspicious.
  • Other special pricing can’t be combined with the price match.
  • The reduced price structure isn’t applicable to special orders, discontinued products or out of stock items. Clearance, closeouts, liquidation or pricing errors will also not be accepted for consideration.
  • This service isn’t offered on items with special language such as “limited time,” “limited quantity,” “while supplies last” or similar phrases.
  • We do not price match on seconds or refurbished products.
  • We reserve the right to decline price matching on orders with more than one of the same item.
  • We may eliminate or otherwise modify this program at any time and reserve the right to refuse any offer based on other factors (the competing vendor charges different fees/requires a coupon for the purchase, etc.).