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Thu Jul 06 2023

Important Signs of Water Damage That You Should Be Aware of in 2023

Important Signs of Water Damage That You Should Be Aware of in 2023


Did you know that the most common issue faced by people in any household is a leak or water leakage? According to the US EPA, the average household leaks a whopping 10000 gallons of water wasted every year. Water is becoming scarce every day and if we don’t do something about it, the future may not look as green as it is now, and our next generation may suffer a lot. There is a lot of awareness and projects are being carried out worldwide by that alone may not be sufficient. From our side, we can do one thing. which is to stop water leaks. And the first step towards that goal is to identify the water damage or water leaks in your home, especially in your bathroom and bathtub. This article discusses the water damage that you should be aware of to stop water scarcity issues. 

Where You Can Find Water Damage in Your Household?

Water damage is one of the most common issues in the household. Imagine this, you bought a nice home and just want to take in all the effort you put into your house, but when you do that, you accidentally see a few water-damaged spots on your walls and in your bathroom. Now, this can be demotivating a lot since you put a lot of effort into your new home. Some might think that this is minor and can be repaired down the line. But, this can be the biggest mistake that you might make for your home.  If you address the issue at an earlier stage, you can resolve it easily, and for a lower cost.


You have to understand that with water damage,  where most of the moisture content is present, the area is prone to water damage. Or, if you live in a place where it rains a lot, there is a good chance that you have the highest possibility of experiencing water damage in your household.

So, which kinds of water that has the highest probability of affecting your household with water damage?


There are three types of water, and the first is freshwater or clean water. This type of water is usually rainwater and it is harmless by itself. The next type of water is grey water. Grey water (slightly discolored from freshwater) is usually the output of an appliance. For example, wastewater from the dishwasher, from the air conditioner (outdoor unit), and even sometimes from a water heater. It is somewhat safe to handle and as mentioned, it can be slightly dirty. And the third type is black water. The dirtiest water is black water. It is sewage water and it is a fact that the sewage water is black in color and thus the name. It has more bacterial content than other types of water and it is harmful.

Out of these three water types, you should be aware of black water, since it is more harmful and also can damage your house significantly. Last but not the least, the cost to clear this type of water is high.

Now, you have an idea about the type of water and its influence on water damage in your house. Now, it is time to see where you can frequently catch water-damaged spots in your home.

1. Walls

Probably one of the most common places in the house, where you can find most of the water-damaged spots. And, if the wall is drywall, the headache can be doubled. Even though drywall is a popular construction material, frequent exposure to moisture and water can bring down the “wall.” Moisture makes the wall soft, which then increases dampness and eventually leads to irreparable structural damage. Apart from the wall, the ceiling is prone to water damage. And here, rain can be a culprit. Frequent rain can increase the dampness of your ceiling, and thus break the ceiling altogether. It is even worse if your ceiling has crevices and gaps. Once the moisture enters those parts, it softens the area and makes it worse by enlarging the crevices or the gap.

2. Floors

Floors are a little bit different from walls. There is a good chance that the walls can suffer from water damage due to rain. But, when it comes to the floor, it is a different story. The main cause of water damage is a leaky pipe, or even sometimes water damage from a water heater. Now, how do you identify the water-damaged spots? When it comes to walls, you can visibly see the spots and treat them accordingly. The same can be said for the floors. You can see the damaged area clearly and based on the floor’s material. For example, if you have a laminated floor, you can easily identify them by seeing the bulge and the swelling. This swelling leads to the wrapping of the floor and makes it difficult to traverse. Adding to this swelling, you can also see the black spots due to the formation of mild dew and mold.

3. Carpets

Technically damage comes under the floor. But, carpet adds another layer to your floor. If moisture comes in contact with the carpet surface and if it left not treated right away, it can lead to one of the most dangerous issues, which are odor and the formation of mold. This can lead to the discolorization of the carpet and sometimes render it useless. If that happens, there is no other way except to call a professional to deal with the problem. 

So, how exactly do you find those spots? What are the signs that say that the area is water damaged?

This is the question we will discuss in detail in the upcoming sections.

Important Signs of Water Damage

Water damage can vary depending on various factors, such as environment, the type of material of the walls and floors, and as mentioned above, the type of water. The following are the most common signs of water damage:

  1. Discolorization of the affected area
  2. Warped floors
  3. Odors
  4. Mold
  5. Sagging walls
  6. The frequent sound of running water

Discolorization is one of the most common issues in the household. Discolorization can occur from various factors, and water damage can be one of the main sources. When moisture is stagnant in one place for a long period and exposed to air, it can result in the discoloration of that particular area. Ultimately this leads to the weakening of the overall structural integrity of that area.

Staining is also a part of discolorization. It is safe to say that staining is the next stage in discolorization. If you leave the watermark for a long time, there is a good possibility that that mark can turn into a stain which can be quite difficult to remove. It can be easily eliminated if you find the mark at an earlier stage. 

Warped floors, as the name tells, occur on the floors. The warped floor is the product of water reacting with your floor. Whenever water reacts with the floor (depending on the floor material), it changes the composition of the floor, which makes it difficult to walk on the floor.

Mold is one of the most dangerous issues caused by water damage. The main reason why is that mold is the sole source of other causes, such as stains, warped floors, and smell. The two main reasons for the formation of mold are excess water and poor ventilation. Once the mold starts to form, it emits bad odors and even sometimes harmful gasses, which can lead to several health issues, such as breathing problems and often headaches due to inhalation of harmful gasses. It is recommended to treat the water damage area before mold starts to form. 


Sagging walls is also an alarming issue due to water damage. It is mainly caused by water (excess moisture) reaching the wall’s foundation, reducing the structural integrity of the wall, and lastly making the wall sag. Now, if you see that the wall is warped, it is safe to say that there is water damage. 


Sound of running water is something you may have experienced when you go to bed and hear the sound of water running, but you are sure you turned off the faucets. Let us tell you, it is not a paranormal activity. It is a water-leaking situation. Somewhere inside your walls, there is a leak, and this can lead to wall wrapping. If you hear that sound and are not able to locate it by yourself, then it is time to ask for professional help. 

Now, you have an idea of water damage signs, which can help you assess the situation in your household. 


  • How do you know if there is water damage?
  • Major signs of water damage are: 

    1. Discolorization of the affected area
    2. Warped floors
    3. Odors
    4. Mold
    5. Sagging walls
    6. The frequent sound of running water

    If the signs persist, then it is recommended to check with professionals to rectify the issues.

    1. How do you if the water damage is new?

    If you see the darker spots with no ring, it is safe to assume that the water damage is new, and it is a perfect time to treat it before it causes irreparable damage.

    1. Can water damage be permanent?

    It depends. Most of the porous material can become severely damaged due to water damage. But, most of the water damage can be rectified if it is treated properly and earlier. 

    Final Thoughts

    Water damage can look minor, but it has the potential to break your house. If you see any signs that are mentioned above, it is better to treat them properly at the earliest. It is recommended to ask for professional help to treat the issue. Water damage has the potential to ruin appliances. Bathtubs are prone to water damage, so if you are looking for a new bathtub for your home, Magnus Home products can help you get a best-in-class bathtub. You can check all the collections here. The article hopes to have provided enough information on water damage and its signs.Â