
Thu Dec 22 2022

How To Clean A Bathtub – 5 Easy Steps to Bring Back Old Glory

How To Clean A Bathtub – 5 Easy Steps to Bring Back Old Glory

There are two main reasons people invest a considerable amount of money into a bathtub: to get a good relaxing bath and elevate your bathroom ambiance. At first, you can get both since it's new, but down the line, you may feel a different experience than what you initially experienced. Why is that? Over time, any appliance starts to lose its originality, which can happen due to various factors such as environmental changes, wear and tear, and usage. The same thing is true for the bathtub as well. To get the best life possible for your bathtub, you should know the best ways to maintain the tub properly. But sometimes, finding the best method to clean your bathtub is tedious since various types of bathtubs require different maintenance methods. If you are confused about the methods, then don’t worry; this article will show seven easy steps that help maintain your bathtub perfectly and its glory!

What Is the Best Time to Clean Your Bathtub?

Honestly, there is no definite answer to this question. How often you clean your bathtub depends on your usage. For example, if you are an avid user of your bathtub, you need to clean it twice a week, or if you are not a frequent user, then it is not necessary to do a deep cleaning. But it is better to be safe than sorry, right? 

You can carry out simple steps to ensure that your bathtub is clean and gives you a nice and long life. After all, who wants to take a nice relaxing bath in a dirty bathtub? Some people use luxury vacations as their getaway, and honestly, it can be difficult to afford such vacations if you are on a tight budget. The bathtub can be a great replacement for that. The bathtub helps relieve all your stress from your system and gives you a peaceful mind. 

Tools necessary to Clean your Bathtub:

First, the cleaning tools. For that, you can use a small toothbrush or a small brush (with medium bristles) which can be used to clean the area where your hands can’t reach as much as possible. Second, a grout brush. You can easily get these brushes in your local hardware store or online. You must make sure that your grout brushes are soft enough so that it does not damage the surface of your bathtub. Next is the cleaning cloth or sponge you can use to dry off the excess moisture and water on the surface of your bathtub.

Last but not least, the tile cleaner or all-purpose bathroom cleaner. Ensure the bathroom cleaner is free of any acidic content that can potentially damage your bathtub. Also, it is best to avoid any oil or vinegar-content cleaning products for certain bathtubs.

These are the tools you need to clean your bathtub:

  • Small toothbrush 
  • A grout brush
  • Cleaning rag or sponge
  • All-purpose bathroom cleaner
  • Baking soda (for drain)
  • Bleach-based cleaning agent (optional for tiles and walls)

5 Steps to Clean Your Bathtub:

First, it is better to understand that you must follow different maintenance steps for different material bathtubs. Most steps are applicable for all types of materials, but some changes need to happen for certain materials. 

5 Steps to Clean Your Bathtub

1. Make Your Bathtub Free from All Toiletries:

Before cleaning your bathtub, ensure that you remove all the toiletries and other items. It can get in the way of cleaning places you cannot easily reach. Since you use a cleaning agent on your bathtub, you cannot use bathroom necessities if the cleaning agent touches any of your toiletries and bathtub items. 

Also, this is the best time to remove already damaged goods, such as pieces of glass from your mirror or even the putty pieces from the previous plumbing work.

Now you have removed all the bathroom necessities. Moving on to the next step! 

2. First, Clean the Tiles and Walls:

Tiles and walls can get dirty quickly and are prone to mildew formation. If this is the case, you must use a bleach cleaning agent in those damaged areas. But use it with caution, as you must ensure that the cleaning agent does not touch the surface of your bathtub. For this approach, take a top-down and semi-circle approach. This allows you to cover a large surface area in little time. Since you are using a bleach-based cleaning agent, air the place out after cleaning. Once you air the place out, take the all-purpose cleaning agent to remove all the residues made from cleaning using a bleach cleaning solution. 

This helps you to remove any sticky or obviously dirt and debris from your tiles and walls.

3. Clean the Drain:

The drain is the place where you can find most of the dirt, such as dead skin, hair, etc. Before cleaning the surface of your bathtub, ensure that you are cleaning the drain. Also, it is the place where you can find most of the discoloration. To avoid discoloration, drop small pellets of baking soda into the drain along with the white-vinegar solution and water mixture at a 1:3 ratio. Let it sit for 10 minutes. This helps to clear any clogs residing in the drain and helps to lighten the discoloration. Afterward, you must flush the drain with a good amount of lukewarm water. 

You can use small toothpicks to pick up any debris from the drain that missed the flush. After that, you can flush it again to ensure no clogs are present in the drain pipeline. 

4. Clean the Inner Surface of Your Bathtub:

Now, the important part. As mentioned above, a few maintenance steps will vary based on the bathtub’s material. This is where those changes take place.

There are various materials, such as Acrylic, Copper, Natural wood, Concrete, and Stone.

Each has some restrictions, such as:

  • For copper– Do not use hard chemicals such as bleach, vinegar, and oils-based cleaning products to clean the surface of the copper bathtub. Not only can it damage the surface, but it can also dull the surface. Do not use any hard brush to clean the surface. You need to polish the surface at least twice a year for a copper bathtub to retain its shine.
  • For Natural Wood– Exposing this type to moisture for longer periods can make the wood bathtubs lose their structural integrity and lead to collapse once enough time passes. You must always dry the tub completely once you take a bath. You can use soft wax to retain the color, but utmost precaution needs to happen since all wax cannot work for a wood tub.
  • For Concrete and Stone– Comparatively, concrete and stone are more durable than the other material. Extra care may not be necessary, but try to avoid any hard chemicals for a cleaning agent.
  • For Acrylic– Acrylic is the material you can use to perform basic cleaning, giving you a nice life and retaining the look. You can follow the basic steps to clean the bathtub but ensure that you follow the recommended instructions for each type of material.
  • For the interior, generously apply the all-purpose cleaning agent all over the surface and let it sit for ten minutes. This helps to get through all the hard dirt and grimes. Take a grout brush and gently scrub the surface. Wash the soapy surface with a good amount of water. You are almost halfway through the cleaning process.

    Now spray the cleaning agent on the corners of the tub and other areas you cannot normally reach with your hand. Take the toothbrush and start scrubbing the edges and corners of the tub. This helps to get all the soap scrub formed over time during your bath. These scrubs can lead to discoloration over time. Take your time and clean it completely to avoid such scenarios down the line.

    5. Flush the Tub Once more:

    After cleaning the soap, scrub again for the last time, spray the cleaner inside the tub, cover all the area, and flush it with hot water. This removes all the remaining soapy scrubs and debris from the tub. Next, the outer surface. As before, take the cleaning agent and scrub it with a grout brush. Apply wax or polishing coating if applicable and necessary. 


    1. Always wear a pair of gloves when you are cleaning, especially removing pieces of glass and other broken materials. It also helps you prevent any chemical damage to your skin.
    2. Chemicals– If you are using a mixing agent with different chemicals, then make sure you read the chemicals' instructions beforehand. 
    3. Always air out the room if you are using cleaning chemicals.


  • How to clean a bathtub?
  • You can use a toothbrush, a grout scrubber/brush, and a mild all-purpose cleaning solution to clean your inner surface and as well surrounding surface of your bathtub. Occasional cleaning helps prevent mildew formation on the caulk and the tiles.

  • How do I get my bathtub white again?
  • To prevent discoloration, clean your bathtub regularly and ensure that your cleaning agent is free from harmful chemicals. You can use baking soda moderately to fight against discoloration.

  • What is the fastest way to clean your bathtub?
  • Take an all-purpose cleaner and generously spray it all over the tub, let it sit for ten minutes, and rinse with the hot water. This cleans most clogs and debris from the drain and the tub's surface. 


    Cleaning is a major part of owning a bathtub. This is the only process that you can fully control that exponentially increases the life of your bathtub. With simple steps, you can effectively clean your bathtub with no difficulties. Some people use luxury vacations as their getaway, and honestly, it can be difficult to afford such vacations if you are on a tight budget. The bathtub can be a great replacement for that. The bathtub helps relieve all your stress from your system and gives you a peaceful mind. Such a thing needs to be taken care of, right? Absolutely!

    This article hopes to give an elaborate explanation of how to clean a bathtub easily. Magnus Home products provide a wide collection of bathtubs and other accessories with perfection if you are in the market for a bathtub.